Few Resons Why
You Should Choose Us
Business Shaped Solutions
Marketing strategy
Advanced analytic
Enterprise technology
SÃĐminaires Intra et Inter Entreprises

SÃĐminaire à la carte
Les particuliers, les entreprises, les organisations publiques et privÃĐes peuvent solliciter Afrique Intelligence pour le renforcement de leurs capacitÃĐs ou celles de leurs personnels sur toutes thÃĐmatiques à des dates autres que celles inscrites dans le catalogue Afrique Intelligence Plus.
SÃĐminaires Catalogue
Ces programmes font lâobjet dâinscription suivant la programmation ÃĐtablie dans le catalogue Afrique Intelligence Plus. Ces sÃĐminaires ouverts à tous sont rÃĐalisÃĐs aux dates et dans les lieux indiquÃĐs sur le Catalogue Afrique Intelligence Plus dans la limite des places disponibles.

Counsalting Service Include
Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.
Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.
Our Core Values and Principes
Weâve designed a culture that allows our stewards to assimilate with our clients and bring the best of who we are to your business. Our culture drives our â and more importantly â your success.
AI and Machine Learning Analytics Solutions

Business Idea
Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

Customer Strategy
Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.

Moving Forward
Strategy experience and analytical expertise combine to enable decision making and create value.
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What People Say

Emmy Barton
client of company